Media: Benin Based TV Channel ORTB Warns CRTV, LTM Against ‘Stealing’ World Cup Images

Par Wilson MUSA | Cameroon-Info.Net
BUEA - 22-Jun-2018 - 12h53   7738                      
CRTV News Capture d'ecran
Office de Radiodiffusion et Télévision du Bénin , ORTB, has sent a warning message to Cameroon Radio Television, CRTV and La Télévision Du Monde, LTM asking them to stop relaying their images of the ongoing World Cup In Russia.

The messages from ORTB are being displayed on their screen at several intervals.  The strong warnings to State Channel CRTV and LTM private channel in Douala also indicates that there would be a court case against the two Channels if they continue to do so.

The warning reads, “ The General Directorate of ORTB is hereby warning all Television Channels, notably, CRTM and LTM TV…will be taken to court for fraudulently retransmitting images of ORTB.”

Le communique de L'ORTB (c) Capture d'ecran

The management of both houses have not commented on this allegation but some viewers have confirmed they watched some matches on CRTV with the logo of ORTB on the screen.

Before the start of the World Cup, CRTV was in a tug of war against Canal 2 International over broadcast rights of the World Cup, giving viewers the impression that they were going to broadcast all matches and that they had full rights to do so.

This new twist is yet to be diluted by football fans who were already crying foul play by State media.

Even with the alleged relay of images from ORTB, CRTV has not been showing all the matches. According to a sport reporter who begged not to be named, the State Television will only show only 32 of the 64 games.If the allegations are true and ORTB drags CRTV and LTM to court, they risk paying huge fines.

Though Cameroon is not participating in the World Cup, their interest in the game is palpitaing especially as five African teams are taking part. But their joy is almost shortlived wiht dismal performances from Africa's representatives.


Wilson MUSA

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