Douala Archdioceses: Archbishop’s House Attacked By Unknown Men

Par Wilson MUSA | Cameroon-Info.Net
BUEA - 05-May-2018 - 13h48   7173                      
Douala Cathedral W. Musa
The house of the Archbishop of the Metropolitan Archdiocese of Douala came under attack Thursday night breaking Friday May 4, 2018. The men of the underworld visited the locality at unholy hour, shooting and breaking the windows in an attempt to make their way into the parochial house.

The Vicar General who exercises functions as Secretary General at the Metropolitan Archdioceses of Douala, Monsignor Dieoudonne Bayemeg, has confirmed this information stating further in a release that the attack took place at about 9:30 pm local time and that the attackers used a projectile to break the glasses of the windows.

In his release dated May 4, 2018, Mgr Bayemeg said, “There was no human casualty as Police arrived the scene shortly after they were notified and together with the Archbishop, the Rector of the Cathedral…took away broken pieces of the windows which had fallen in the bedroom.”

He revealed that the Attorney General of the Littoral Appeal Court accompanied by Forces of Law and Order and some investigators descended on the site of incident Friday to get details of the attack on the house of the Archbishop.

Mgr Bayemeg has exalted Christians to continue with their daily activities intensified with prayers at the time when Jesus Christs has just resurrected from death, while investigations take its course.

Some Radio stations in Douala reported that the attackers had fired gun shots in the air when they arrived.

It is not known whether the attackers needed something more than money because their target, being the Archbishops residence leaves much to be desired about the incident.


Wilson MUSA

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