Cameroon: Trade Union Leader Sounds Alarm Bells As Chinese Supervisor Machetes Cameroonian Worker In Ombe

Par Atia T. AZOHNWI | Cameroon-Info.Net
Ombe - 29-Sep-2019 - 14h50   3229                      
Gabriel Mbene Vefonge Atia Azohnwi
Workers of the Chinese Xiongshi Ltd company at Ombe in Tiko Subdivision of Cameroon’s South West Region went on rampage Friday, September 27, 2019 after a Chinese supervisor used a machete on the company’s security guard.

“It happened at 2 a.m. on Friday. The victim is at the Tiko District Hospital for medical attention. This is not the first time a worker is being assaulted. Even staff representatives have been victims. But unfortunately, no action has been taken by public authorities to address the issue,” a worker told but refused to be named for fear of reprisals.

Gabriel Mbene Vefonge, President of the Cameroon Agricultural and Allied Workers Trade Union, CAAWOTU, said they are doing all to get justice in favour of the victim, Ngogam Francis, a security guard at the said company.

“Ngogam Francis has been a member of CAAWOTU (formerly known as DISAWOFA - Divisional Syndicate of Agricultural Workers in Fako) since 2016. After his Chinese Supervisor used a machete on him, he was taken to the hospital in Tiko. The lawyer of the trade union is following up the matter now with the Tiko legal department. We will not rest until justice is served,” said Mbene.

The President of CAAWOTU told that the Fako Divisional Delegate of Labour and Social Security, Mokosso Ekema was in Ombe Saturday morning to assess the situation and take action.

“The Tiko Sub-Divisional Delegate for Livestock, Fisheries and Animal Industries was also there. They both condemned the act of barbarism. Work has resumed at the company, but working conditions must be ameliorated. Public authorities must now take their responsibilities and stamp out these injustices.”

Mbene says they will have not rest until government ensures that the rights of workers are respected by multinationals in the country.

Hear him: “As a national Trade Union affiliated to other organizations, we are putting pressure on the Ministry in charge of Labour to ensure this multinational company and others respect the rights and dignity of Cameroonian workers.

“Together in Solidarity, let us build a Strong and independent trade union to defend the interest of our members by securing a change in their working and living conditions – decent work, decent or liveable wages must be achieved in Xiongshi Ltd in Ombe by all cost.”


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