Cameroon – Special Status: Political scheming ahead of election of regional executives

Par Atia T. AZOHNWI | Cameroon-Info.Net
Buea - 16-Dec-2020 - 11h08   7795                      
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Cameroon’s ten pioneer regional presidents will be known on December 22, 2020, when regional councilors meet in their first session of right.

During this maiden session, the Regional Council shall elect from among its members a President assisted by a bureau comprising a senior vice-president, a vice-president, two questors, and two secretaries. After the election of the president, the other bureau members will be elected by list-system.

As the Special Status for the North West and South West Regions is rolled out, both regions will also know the pioneer Presidents of their respective Houses of Chiefs on Tuesday, December 22.

After the election of 900 Regional Councilors nationwide on December 6, 2020, the regional supervisory commissions proclaimed the results at the level of the constituencies concerned on Wednesday, December 9 in keeping with Section 265(1) of Law No. 2012/001 of 19 April 2012 relating to the Electoral Code.

Of the 700 divisional representatives, the ruling Cameroon People’s Democratic Movement (CPDM) won 613. Three other opposition parties shared the 87 other seats. The National Union for Democracy and Progress (UNDP) of Minister Bello Bouba Maigari won 68 seats; the Cameroon Democratic Union (UDC) got 17 seats while the Front for the National Salvation of Cameroon (FSNC) of Minister Issa Tchiroma Bakary got two seats.

The CPDM swept all 70 seats of divisional representatives in the Centre, East, Littoral, North West, South, and South West Regions. They obtained a majority in the Far North with 58 seats given that the UNDP snatched 12. In the North Region, the CPDM got 56 Regional Councilors, leaving the UNDP with 12 and the FSNC with two.

The UNDP will control the Adamawa Region with its 56 seats. The CPDM struggled to obtain 14 seats.

The country’s 10 regional governors, in accordance with Section 280 of Law No. 2019/024 of 24 December 2019 to Institute the General Code of Regional and Local Authorities, will convene the December 22 sessions.

The aforementioned provision of the law states: “During the election of new regional councilors and during the initial establishment of Regional Councils, the first session shall be convened as of right on the second Tuesday following the proclamation of results. In this case, the session shall be convened by the representative of the State.”

Jostling for posts in South West

Given that PM Dion Ngute’s choice for President of the South West region did not even survive the CPDM investitures, the race promises to be tough. The erstwhile Government Delegate of Kumba, Calvin Nnoko Mbele was seen as the man with the trappings of regional president. Given his exploits as government delegate, many are those who said he would have been able to square up with the perceived overbearing nature of the representative of the state in the Special Status era.

Nonetheless, sources familiar with the inner workings of the CPDM in the South West say retired Divisional Officer, Bakoma Elango Zacheus from Meme Division is in pole position for the region’s top job. It is likely that other divisions are eying the office. But since the Prime Minister hails from Ndian, it is unlikely that the Regional President will come from there.

Also, Chief Dr. Atem Ebako Bisong Andrew of Talangaye in Kupe-Muanenguba Division is almost certainly going to be President of the House of Chief and as such the Vice President of the Region. Going by this possibility, only Fako, Lebialem, and Manyu may challenge Meme for the regional presidency.

Fako, Manyu, and Lebialem may however be ruled out given that they have senior members of the government. Fako has the President of the Bilingualism Commission, Minister of Secondary Education; Vice President of the National Assembly, Cameroon’s Ambassador to Ethiopia and the AU, two senators, four MPs, General Manager of CDC, and the list is long.

The Minister Delegate in charge of Planning at Cameroon’s ‎Ministry of the Economy, Planning and Regional Development is from Lebialem. He also doubles as Chairman of the Presidential Plan for the Reconstruction and Development of the North West and South West Regions (PPRD-NW/SW). The Board Chairman of the Cameroon GCE Board and the President of the Judicial Bench of the Supreme Court, among others are from Lebialem Division.

Manyu Division has senior members of government including a Minister in Charge of Special Duties at the Presidency of the Republic and a Vice President of the Senate. Coupled with other important state assignments entrusted to Manyu sons and daughters, Meme may likely carry the day.

Enter North West Region

In the North West Region, Prof. Angwafo III Fru Fobuzshi, Director General of the Gynaeco-Obstetric and Pediatric Hospital in Yaoundé is tipped for the post of regional President.

Given that Prof. Angwafo III is from Mezam, sources say Fon Bah-Mbi III Mathias Njuh of Aghem, Wum Subdivision, Menchum Division is the likely candidate for President of the North West House of Chiefs. Should this be the case, he will be the Vice President of the Region.


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