Cameroon – Secondary Education: Government Begins Crackdown On 600 Runaway Teachers Earning Salaries

Par Atia T. AZOHNWI | Cameroon-Info.Net
YAOUNDE - 02-Jul-2021 - 19h46   4481                      
Nalova Lyonga, Minister of Secondary Education Archives
Nalova Lyonga, Cameroon’s Minister of Secondary Education has published a list of 600 teachers who have abandoned teaching for greener pastures in Europe, America, and other destinations abroad but continue receiving salaries.

A 15-page document published on Wednesday, June 30, 2021 details the identities of the runaway teachers including their grade, matriculate number, duty station, and current destination.

The runaway teachers, Cameroon-Info.Net learned, receive their salaries every month with the complicity of school principals back home.

Of the 600 absentee teachers, the lions share, 264, are those posted to the North West Region where state forces have been battling to dislodge armed separatists who pitched their tents since Anglophone protests transformed into an armed conflict in 2017.

Corporate demands by Common Law Lawyers and Anglophone Teachers led to protests in November 2016. The street demonstrations later morphed into ongoing running gun battles between state forces and armed separatist fighters in the predominantly English-speaking regions, leading to untold destruction of human lives, their habitats, and livelihoods.

Tit-for-tat killings, kidnappings, arsons, maiming, and outright terror have become part of daily lives in some parts of the English-speaking regions with teachers and schoolchildren targeted.

The crisis, notwithstanding, the South-West Region records just 58 absentee teachers.

Strangely, the Center Region has 107 absentee teachers, although it is about the most peaceful region in the country.

The number of runaway teachers per region is as follows:

Adamawa Region: 35

Center Region: 107

East Region: 7

Far North Region: 21

Littoral Region: 43

North Region: 16

North West Region: 264

West Region: 29

South Region: 20

South West Region: 58

The Minister of Secondary Education invites the aforementioned personnel, who were declared absent and might be out of the national territory, to report to the Ministry of Secondary Education, Department of Human Resources, Room 507 bis (voucher office), within seven days from June 30, 2021.

“They should come along with all supporting documents to justify their current administrative position. Failure to do so, disciplinary measures will be taken against them, ”says Minister Nalova Lyonga.

It is believed that these runaway teachers who have been collecting their salaries were fished out during the many headcounts of staff of the Ministry of Secondary Education.


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