Cameroon – Religion: Rt. Rev. Fonki Re-elected PCC Moderator, Rev. Miki Hans Abia Is New Synod Clerk

Par Atia T. AZOHNWI | Cameroon-Info.Net
BUEA - 18-Nov-2019 - 20h35   5477                      
Rt. Rev. Fonki (left) and Rev. Miki Hans Abia PhotoGrid by Atia Azohnwi
The Synod of Peace and Unity of the Presbyterian Church in Cameroon, PCC, has reelected Rt. Rev. Fonki Samuel Forba to lead the church for the next five years.

Rev. Miki Hans Abia, Parish Pastor of PC Bonamoussadi and Presbyterial Secretary for the East Mungo South Presbytery is the new Synod Clerk of the PCC. 

He replaces the no-nonsense Rev. Babila George Fochang who bows out five years after rising to the coveted office.

Fonki and Miki were elected unopposed after their opponents stepped down. Monday evening at the PESH Guest House lodged at the PCC Synod Office in Buea. 

The PCC 2019 Synod of Peace and Unity opened on Sunday, November 17, 2019 at Presbyterian Church Buea Town with a solemn church service celebrated by the Rt. Fonki Samuel Forba, incumbent Moderator of the Synod Clerk, Rev. Babila George Fochang.

The opening of the Synod of Peace and Unity was held by the Governor of the South West Region, Bernard Okalia Bilai. 

Before Monday's elections, the Synod Committee meeting held Saturday, November 16, 2019 shortlisted three candidates for the post of Synod Clerk and Moderator with the incumbent Moderator harvesting 84 votes, while the Rev. Ayuk Ebot Jones and Rev. Nganji Christian got 45 and 27 votes, respectively.

Rev. Miki Hans Abia, Rev. Ngwa Hosea and Rev. Mokoko Mbue Thomas were the top finalists for the post of Synod Clerk. They got 83, 43 and 33 votes, respectively. 

After presenting their statements of faith, Rev. Ayuk, Rev. Nganji, Rev. Mokoko and Rev. Ngwa stepped down, making it smooth ride for Fonki and Miki.

But considering that election by acclamation is not provided for the PCC constitution. Fonki got 119 votes from the elections.

The elections for the future of the United States of America for the purpose of the postponement of the elections of the church.

Rt. Rev. Fonki had in 2015 appealed to Christians to set aside whatever they are, which act like speed brakes to unity, and work faithfully for the growth of the church, whose membership is estimated at over 1.5 million. But his first mandate was with a lot of confusion and social media grandstanding of some members of the Church. He would have had a good time with his Synod Clerk, opening the way to the world of finance.

Fonkil's reelection may be one of those who-who-the-pedestrians of the world. It remains unclear what fate awaits the clergy and laity who openly criticized him. Pundits however hold that the future is pregnant.

As the curtains are drawn on the 50th Synod of the Church, the faithful prayers for a Christ-centered Church.

Rt. Rev. Fonki: the Man

The Rev. Fonki was born on November 23, 1965 in his native village of Bomb in Akwaya subdivision of Manyu Division. His primary career started at St. Paul's Primary School Bomb, culminating with a Master's Degree in Applied Theology at the University of Birmingham in the United Kingdom. He has served the church in different capacities from Parish Pastor to Presbyterial Secretary in different presbyteries and also to the Direct Partnership Secretary of the PCC. He became a PCC Moderator in 2014.

He is married to Rev. Dr. Perpetua Fonki, lecturer at the Cameroon Christian University - Kumba Campus and head of the Presbyterian Counseling Unit. They are blessed with a son, Fonki Samuel Forba Junior.

PCC Moderators: Late Rev. Abraham Ngole (1958-69), Late Rev. Jeremiah Chi Kangsen (1969-85), Late Rev. Henry Anye Awasom (1985-99), Very Rev.Dr.Nyansako-ni-Nku (1999-2009), Very Rev.Dr. Festus Ambe Asana (2009-2014) and Rt. Fonki Samuel (2014 - date).

PCC Synod Clerks: Rev. Aaron Su (1959-62), Late Pastor Moses A, Fondo (1962-64), Late Rev. Aaron Su (1964-67), Late Rev. Jeremiah Chi Kangsen (1967-69), Late Rev. Thomas N. Edward (1969-85), Rev.Dr. Jonas N. Dah (1985-89), Rev. Nyansako-ni-Nku (1989-99), Rev. Dr. Festus Ambe Asana (1999-2009), Rev. Abwenzoh William Membong (2009-2014), Rev. Babila Fochang (2014-2019) and Rev. Miki Hans Abia (2019 -).


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