This is the kernel of a letter dated Friday, March 27, 2020 signed by PCC Synod Clerk, Rev. Miki Hans Abia following a Friday, March 20, 2020 meeting of the Synod Committee Executive, Exco in Buea.
The Exco amongst many other issues reviewed the activities of Rev. Bah’s “Parallel Ministry” within the Presbyterian Church in Cameroon which is contrary to the vows he made at his ordination. The one month suspension, the Synod Clerk says, comes after Rev. Bah failed to heed to an earlier caution from The Secretary Committee of the Ministry.
The PCC Synod Clerk thus informed Rev. Bah as follows: “That you Bah Pius Inobuh have not desisted from your online and offline ‘Parallel Ministry’ activities, especially the collection of funds you cannot account for in the fashion of the PCC.
“Some of your activities and pronouncements intentionally and regrettably cast a slur on the PCC which we consider are aimed to deviate Christians to your self-styled ministry.
“You have remained defiant to hierarchy’s attempt to deter you from your own style of ministration.
“The Synod of 2019 that held in Buea (20/11/19) had warned you and sent some persons to counsel you on the merit of your ministry, but sadly you did not heed to the counsel, and this is unacceptable to a Church of Order and Discipline like ours.”
In the light of the aforementioned “violations”, the Rev. Bah was suspended from the Ministry of Word and Sacraments of the PCC for one month – from Wednesday, April 1, 2020 to Thursday, April 30, 2020.
“During this time, you shall leave the Parish and take up Residence at The Church Centre Kumba for further counselling at the PCC Counselling Unit. You shall not put on the clerical attire, celebrate the liturgy nor carry out any other official pastoral duty. You are also advised to discontinue any offline or online activities pertaining to ministry,” said the PCC Synod Clerk.
At the end of Rev. Bah’s suspension, the PCC Counselling Unit in Kumba is expected to write a comprehensive report, upon whose recommendation the Church shall deliberate on the way forward.
“Dear Reverend, may this time serve as a quiet moment for you to rethink the path of your ministry and sincere use of your talents and gifts in the service of the Lord and to the Glory of His name,” the Synod Clerk advised.
Contacted to react on his suspension, Rev. Bah told Cameroon-Info.Net that he is still in prayers.
“I'm in prayers,” he said. Pressed to speak further on the issue, the pastor thundered: “I said I am still in prayers.”
It is therefore not known if he will heed to the decision of the PCC Synod Committee Executive or will bang the door like others before him.
By Atia Tilarious Azohnwi for Cameroon-Info.Net