The urologist-turned-politician was speaking in Bamenda Friday, January 23, 2021, during the installation of the pioneer executive bureau of the North West Regional Council.
Adolphe Lele LAfrique, Governor of the North West Region and Representative of the State, installed the regional bureau, signaling a new era.
The Governor urged them to, "Revitalize the economic situation of the region, bring back the region to the time before 2016. You are the right persons coming at the right moment to solve the challenges of the region."
"For our region to shine, we should not look at what animated the past but should focus on what will reshape our region in the future," said Prof Angwafo III, as we accepted the challenge to lead the North West Region on a new path.
He said local solutions would henceforth be sought for grassroots challenges.
Since November 2016, a teachers’ strike coalesced with a lawyers’ and popular protest, morphing into an armed conflict that has claimed many lives and displaced thousands more in the North West Region.
In his 35-minute policy speech, Professor Angwafo III called for the observance of a moment of silence for the thousands of lives lost in the ongoing conflict.
"May we never rise again for any more soul killed in this crisis," Professor Angwafo III said.
The urologist-turned-politician will serve as Chief Executive Officer of the North West Region for the next five years in line with Section 359 (1) of Law no. 2019/024 to institute the General Code on Regional and Local Authorities.
Elected on December 6, 2020, for a five-year mandate, the bicameral North West Regional Assembly will concern itself with a region wallowing in underdevelopment and poverty.
The Regional Assembly consists of a 70-member House of Divisional Representatives and a 20-man House of Chiefs.
66-year-old Professor Angwafo III Fru Fobuzshi, pioneer President of the North West Regional Council, until his election served as Director-General of the Gynaeco-Obstetric and Pediatric Hospital in Yaoundé.
The bureau of the North West Regional Council consists of:
President: Professor Angwafo III Fru Fobuzshi – (a representative from Mezam Division)
Vice President: Fon Yakum Kevin Teuvih (President of the North West House of Chiefs) – (a representative from Ngoketunjia Division)
Commissioner for Economic Development: Ghejung Awunti (a representative from Mezam Division)
Commissioner for Health and Social Development: Dr. Mrs. Sakah Fondufe Lydia Yuveyonge (a representative from Bui Division)
Commissioner for Education, Sports, and Cultural Development: Dr. Mrs. Anjoh Fru Manyi Rose (a representative from Momo Division)
Secretaries: - Kalak Flavius Boteh (a representative from Donga-Mantung Division)
- Fon Bagmbi III Mathias Njuh (a representative from Menchum Division)
Questor: Waindim Jude Nsom (a representative from Boyo Division)