Cameroon – Regional Elections: Fon Sehm Mbinglo votes after all, says Ambazonia quest is unattainable

Par Atia T. AZOHNWI | Cameroon-Info.Net
Kumbo - 06-Dec-2020 - 13h40   6043                      
Fon Sehm Mbinglo of Nso votes in Kumbo Facebook
Fon Sehm Mbinglo, the traditional ruler of the Nso people in Bui Division of Cameroon’s Northwest Region has voted in the country’s first-ever regional elections.

The participation of the Fon in the Sunday, December 6, 2020, polls was uncertain after armed separatists kidnapped and later released him on condition that he boycotts the process, despite being a candidate to the House of Chiefs.

Armed separatists kidnapped 90-year-old Cardinal Christian Wiyghan Tumi, Archbishop Emeritus of Douala, and Fon Sehm Mbinglo at about 6:30 pm on Thursday, November 5, 2020, in Baba, Babessi subdivision, Ngoketunjia Division of Cameroon's North West Region.

Tumi was freed the next day but the Fon was held in captivity until November 10.

Viral audio attributable to the Bui Warriors Communication department said the Bui Warriors and Ngoketunjia Restoration Forces had decided to release the Fon after they agreed on certain conditions.

“That he is going to hands-off completely from anything that has to do with politics and French Cameroun. In this regard, the Fon of Nso is going to send a resignation letter to Ambazonians. Resigning from being a candidate in the said Regional elections, ”the separatists said at the time. “The Fon will only return to Nso upon fulfillment of this agreement else he might return to Yaoundé or anywhere else in French Cameroon where he could promote French Cameroon interests.”

Fon Mbinglo preaches peace after voting in maiden Regional Elections (c) Comfort Mussa's Twitter

After casting his ballot in Kumbo, Fon Sehm Mbinglo said armed separatists fighting the government of Cameroon will not succeed, no matter how long they fight. He enjoined the people to work towards peace, promising that traditional rulers will use the soon-to-be operational House of Chiefs to push for peace and development.

“I am sure when we shall be talking to the government through the governor, they will understand us fast. What we want is peace. The regional elections will bring it to us and to our people, ”Fon Mbinglo said.

Referring to the Biafra War in Nigeria, Fon Mbinglo said armed separatists in Cameroon's North West and South West Regions should know that their quest is unattainable.

“I will like again to tell the people that they have been struggling a lot. But it cannot be possible to tamper with your government. You are not fit to win your government. Biafra in Nigeria fought and did not succeed. I do not see that they will succeed here, ”he said.


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