Cameroon – Regional Council: North West begins ‘Special Status’ era with Professor Angwafo III Fru Fobuzshi as Regional President

Par Atia T. AZOHNWI | Cameroon-Info.Net
Bamenda - 23-Dec-2020 - 15h37   12346                      
Prof. Angwafo III Fru Fobuzshi, NW Regional President Archives
Professor Angwafo III Fru Fobuzshi is the pioneer President of the North West Regional Council. The urologist who is Director-General of the Gynaeco-Obstetric and Pediatric Hospital in Yaoundé was voted Tuesday, December 22, 2020 by all 90 regional councilors.

Tuesday's session chaired by the oldest Regional Councilor, Fon Angwafo III Solomon Anyeghamotü Ndefru of Mankon saw the election of seven other bureau members, including the President of the House of Chiefs.

“You be me, Me be you, we be we,” Professor Angwafo said in his acceptance speech, urging the people of the North West Region to accompany them in developing the region.

His words: “We are accepting the call to serve the people, not for us but for them. I appeal to all the members of the regional assembly to join hands for the construction of a new North West Region. Together we are stronger. How far we achieve peace depends on how far we engage ourselves wherever we find ourselves. Here, the ball is in the court of the North West Region. Let us play it. Let us be the best. Let light shine in the North West Region. ”

Cross-section of North West Regional Councilors (c) Facebook

Although the election of the bureau members was hitch-free, it witnessed a speed break following the hitherto non-inclusion of a delegate from Boyo Division.

Kibuh Tume Henry, head of the CPDM Regional Council list presented names of exco members proposed by the party. But the list did not have a representative from Boyo, while Mezam and Menchum had two each. When Regional Councilor Waindim Jude Nsom raised the observation, the session went into recess.

Although the Chairman of the session had given five minutes for the situation to be regularized, it took the CPDM Central Committee representative Paul Tasong and representatives from the seven divisions of the region about an hour to arrive at a compromise. At the end of the day, all the divisions were represented in the bureau.

The bureau of the North West Regional Council is as follows:

President:             Professor Angwafo III Fru Fobuzshi - (a representative from Mezam Division)

Vice President:     Fon Yakum Kevin Teuvih  of Bambalang (President of the North West House of Chiefs) - (a representative from Ngoketunjia Division)

Commissioner for Economic Development: Ghejung Awunti (a representative from Mezam Division)

Commissioner for Health and Social Development: Dr. Mrs. Sakah Fondufe Lydia Yuveyonge (a representative from Bui Division)

Commissioner for Education, Sports, and Cultural Development: Dr. Mrs. Anjoh Fru Manyi Rose (a representative from Momo Division)

Secretaries: - Kalak Flavius Boteh (a representative from Donga-Mantung Division)

- Fon Bagmbi III Mathias Njuh  of Aghem  (a representative from Menchum Division)

Questor : Waindim Jude Nsom (a representative from Boyo Division)

Fon Yakum Kevin Teuvih of Bambalang, President of the North West House of Chiefs(c) Archives

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