Cameroon: Professor Kingsley Ngange Named Best Journalism Trainer

Par Atia T. AZOHNWI | Cameroon-Info.Net
Buea - 06-May-2021 - 15h43   4020                      
Kingsley Ngange, co-Editor of book on Anglophone crisis Facebook
Kingsley Lyonga-la-Ngange, Associate Professor of Journalism and Mass Communication is Cameroon’s best journalism trainer, awards committee of The Scoop Media Group said on Monday.

Following a poll organized by The Scoop Media Group for Cameroonians and other nationals, the Head of the University of Buea’s Department of Journalism and Mass Communication was overwhelmingly acclaimed as the “2020 Best Journalism Trainer”.

Bagging home the “2020 Best Journalism Trainer Award” Monday, May 3, 2021, at WDC Aparthotel, Prof. Ngange delivered an epic lecture on “Information as a Public Good", the theme of this year's World Press Freedom Day.

“We are now in the 21st century where you can win a war without firing one shot. It is at the level of the communication, the propaganda … Since information should be for the public good,” said Prof. Ngange.  “We should as from this moment start thinking of how we should be able to use the gadgets in our hands – I say this because all of us have been partisan. We have been part of the crisis going on. In one way or the other, we have shared information that we should not have shared. And by doing so, we have escalated the conflict to where it is. We should start repenting and making sure that the information we share is of the public good.”

Prof. Ngange called on Cameroonians to make good use of communication gadgets in a bid to construct the country.

His words: “It is time to repent and start sharing information that builds the society. Share information that constructs instead of information that destroys. We should stop playing the role of the Radio Television Libre des Mille Collines that masterminded the genocide in Rwanda in 1994. We should start playing a more constructive and positive role with all the communication gadgets that we now have available. We have in one way or the other promoted hatred through hate speech. If you do not have anything good to say, we quiet. An unspoken word does no harm.

“Stop hate speech, stop kongossa, stop dividing people with all the skills that you have. If your skill is talking from morning to evening, use it to build the nation and not to destroy it.”

Ngange, a shrewd scholar

Prof. Ngange worked at the Public Relations and Alumni Office of the University of Buea before joining the state-owned broadcaster, Cameroon Radio Television (CRTV) from where he was recruited to teach at the University of Buea.

He was the first student to successfully defend a Ph.D. thesis from the Department of Journalism and Mass Communication (JMC) of the University of Buea(UB) in December 2012. He was also the first ex-student of the same department to become a lecturer after obtaining his Master’s degree in Europe.

His Ph.D. thesis was titled, "Redefining Journalism Roles in Democracy: In Search Of Evidence from Elections Coverage Using Mobile Phones and Internet in Cameroon"

On June 23, 2012, Junior Chamber International, JCI University of Buea, recognized the one-time broadcaster on State radio during the Ten Outstanding Young Persons (TOYP) Awards.

He is the winner of a Pan-African award for excellence as a journalism trainer.

Dr. Ngange has published and contributed to several books such as “Anglophone Lawyers and Teachers strikes in Cameroon (2016-2019): A Multidimensional Perspective,” which he co-edited with Emeritus Professor of Literature, Kashim Ibrahim Tala.

In 2020, he published three books.

Ngange, K L. (2020). Social Media use in the 2018 Presidential Election in Cameroon. In M N Ndiela and W.Mano (Eds), Social Media and Elections in Africa, Volume 1: Theoretical perspectives and election campaigns (pp.119-146), Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillian

Ngange, K L. (2020). Mass Media and Society: Cameroon.In D.L Merskin(Ed).The Sage International Encyclopedia of Mass Media and Society (pp.245-249), Thousand Oaks. CA: Sage

Ewusi, S K & Ngange ,K L(2020).Peace, Governance, and Security in Africa: Getting it right, In F.R Aravena(Ed). The Difficult Task of Peace: Crisis, Fragility, and Conflict in an uncertain World (pp.37-57).Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan.


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