Cameroon - Murder Of Two Women/Children In Far North: Seven Cameroonian Soldiers Face Military Tribunal Monday

Par Kiven B. NSODZEFE | Cameroon-Info.Net
Yaoundé - 19-Aug-2019 - 12h03   3265                      
Cameroonian Soldier preparing victim for execution Facebook
Some seven Cameroonian soldiers accused of killing two women and two children, filmed in a video that went viral last year, will face the military tribunal this Monday, August 19, officials say.

The soldiers to face trial this day are; Lieutenant Fobassou Etienne, Sergeant Bityala Cypriaque Hilaire, Lance Corporal Godwe Mana Didier Jeanot, Lance Corporal Tsanga, Donossou Barnabas, Manaseh Jacobai and Ntieche Fewou Ghislain. Those vividly identified in the video, who shot the victims are Donossou Barnabas, Lance Corporal Tsanga and Bityala Cypriaque

Last July 2018, a horrifying video showing a group of military officers leading two women and two children to a path for execution sparked tension across the world, although government earlier denied it was in Cameroon. The victims were blindfolded and shot 22 times.

The former Minister of Communication during a press briefing same July, called it "Fake News" . However, a team of reporters from the BBC Africa service, dwelled on the video which they later proved the terrifying murders were carried out by Cameroonian soldiers in Zelevet, Far North region, where Cameroon is fighting Boko Haram jihadists.

The investigative team also identified three Cameroonian soldiers and suggested the killings took place between March 20 and April 5, 2015, to the dismay of many who had believed in government's spokesperson.

Government however did come back to its stance weeks after, and published the names of seven soldiers connected with the murder. They were arrested in August 2018 and have since been in custody.




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