Cameroon: Monument In Memory Of UPC’s Augustin Frédéric Kodock Unveiled July 1

Par Atia T. AZOHNWI | Cameroon-Info.Net
Makak - 01-Jul-2019 - 20h08   4780                      
Augustin Frederick Kodock monument Facebook
A monument erected in honour of Augustin Frédéric Kodock, the late Secretary-General of the Union of the Peoples of Cameroon (Union des populations du Cameroun - UPC) has been unveiled in his native Mom village in the Makak Subdivision of the Nyong-and-Kellé Division of Cameroon’s Centre Region.

This was during a ceremony Monday, July 1, 2019 organised by the Secretary General of the UPC party, Hon. Robert Bapooh Lipot. Present at the event were administrative, political, traditional and religious authorities as well as a host of members of parliament led by Hon. Baoro Théophile who represented the Speaker of Cameroon’s National Assembly at the event.

Augustin Frédéric Kodock’s widow, Monique Kodock Atangana watched as the memorial in honour of her late husband was unveiled. The monument weighs 400 kilograms and is a 2.5 metres high statue.

Kodock was born of humble beginnings on March 1, 1933 in Mom Village but will later rise to prominence to become a minister of state and a member of parliament.

Hon. Baoro Théophile celebrated the life of the late UPC scribe who died in Yaoundé on October 24, 2011. Like Senator Ndanga Ndinga Jean Badel of the CPDM Central Committee, Maidadi Seidou of the UNDP and other speakers, deputy speaker Hon. Baoro talked about the legacy of Augustin Frédéric Kodock who had been instrumental in the promotion of peace, national unity and democracy.

The life of Augustin Frédéric Kodock was thus immortalised in a memorial erected by Hon. Bapooh Lipot who said Kodock remains an example for those who like to work for the future of Cameroon and who can give all their energy to develop the country without trying to develop themselves.

Three classrooms, an office and tons of medical equipment were donated by Hon. Bapooh Lipot who said they are going to build another monument soon to preserve the country’s history.

An ecumenical service was part of the event. The service was officiated among others by the Archbishop Emeritus of Yaoundé, His Grace Victor Tonye Bakot.


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