Cameroon – Gold Mining: Batouri Hosts Seminar on Population

Par Kiven B. NSODZEFE | Cameroon-Info.Net
Bertoua - 17-Apr-2019 - 12h03   3159                      
Some miners and traders in Batouri Facebook
The population of Batouri, stakeholders, members of the civil society in the South region, have been educated on the new mining code and the rights of the population, which many have been ignorant about.


A capacity building seminar geared towards sensitising stakeholders and the local population on the new mining code recently took place in Batouri headquarters of the Kadey division in the East region.

The seminar, organised by the organisation for the fight against clandestine mining and the solving of African youth’s problems, was presided at by the Senior Divisional Officer for the Kadey, Iyawa Abubakar, in the presence of tradition rulers and civil society organisations.

The organisers say the population is ignorant about their rights in the sector. It was in this light that they called on the President of the Republic to also review the mining text of application.

Kadey division is known for its gold- rich soil. From Batouri to Kambele, Kentzou, Gbitti and even Ndelele. Gold mining, be it at the artisanal level or in the industrial stage, is at the centre of activities and the main source of livelihood like farming.

Ironically, the division is one of the most underdeveloped in the East region and the country at large with no immediate fallouts or benefits from gold exploitation. Stakeholders also agreed that if the youth go to school they will keep away from risky and clandestine mining activities.

The seminar was also in the presence of gold miners, civil society actors, traditional rulers and administrative authorities. Presentations on various themes like research, exploitation and artisanal permits were made including a question and answer session on how to improve on the livelihood of local population.

At the end a follow-up team was put in place and there was also a visit to some gold mining sites in Kambele village


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