Felix Mbayu, Minister Delegate to the Minister of External Relations, in charge of Cooperation with the Commonwealth informed Cameroonians Thursday, February 20, 2020 that the Minister of Finance has been instructed by the Head of State to send FCFA 50 million to the country’s Embassy in Beijing.
Minister Mbayu writes that: “A census carried out by the Cameroonian embassy in China reveals that close to 300 Cameroonians are living in the province of Hubei and about 200 are actually present in the city of Wuhan which has been quarantined. Fortunately, to date, all of them are in good health.
“Considering the distress of our compatriots and the difficult living conditions in quarantine zones, the Head of State has instructed the Minister of Finance, as preliminary measure, to urgently make available the sum of fifty million (50 000 000) francs CFA, to enable the Cameroonian Embassy in Beijing, to provide assistance to Cameroonian citizens.”
Minister Mbayu says the Government of the Republic of Cameroon is monitoring the evolution of this epidemic, in concert with Chinese authorities, and will not fail to keep the public informed about subsequent initiatives aimed at bringing comfort to “our compatriots”.
21-year-old Cameroonian student, Kem Senou Pavel Daryl was the first African known to have been infected with the deadly coronavirus and the first to recover. He is currently under a 14-day self-quarantine in the Chinese city of Jingzhou.
The Minister Delegate recalls that in the course of the past few weeks, the city of Wuhan, capital of the Hubei Province in China, has been the epicentre of a coronavirus epidemic whose rapid spread in some parts of the world has resulted in approximately 2,000 deaths and over 72,438 confirmed cases of infection.
Most African governments, unable to evacuate their nationals trapped in the coronavirus hit cities, have resorted to providing them with support in the hope that the situation improves.