The priest was speaking Sunday, January 31, 2021, at the St. Joseph's Cathedral Mankon during a holy mass celebrated by the Cardinal Secretary of State of the Vatican, His Eminence Pietro Cardinal Parolin.
Below is the entirety of the speech of archbishop Nkea delivered moments before the pallium was imposed on him.
Given that the Mass for the Imposition of the Pallium took place within the context of a lockdown imposed by separatists to foil the occasion, Archbishop Nkea saluted the courage of the thousands who turned out to witness the august ceremony.
The speech was transcribed by CameroonInfo.Net.
“Your Eminence, you have come to visit us at a time when the people of this ecclesiastical province, corresponding to the civil territorial circumscription of the North West and South West Regions of Cameroon, have seen a lot of suffering. Many of our people have suffered enough from a situation they did not create. And thousands are either internally displaced or have escaped as refugees. Businesses are shut down. And for about four years, our children were not allowed to go to school. Children were used as bait for political motives and struggle. Many priests, religious, bishops, and laypeople of this province have either been beaten, harassed, or even killed in this conflict. And yet, the church continues to carry the gospel message as the light of hope to a traumatized people.
“Your Eminence, today that your feet are standing on the soil of Bamenda that has drunk the blood of many of our children, we in Bamenda can address ourselves in the messianic words of the prophet Isaiah. A people that walked in darkness have seen a great light. On those who live in a land of deep shadow, a light has shone. You have made their greater gladness. You have made their joy increase. They rejoice in your presence as men rejoice at the harvest time, as men are happy when they divide the spoils. (Isaiah 19: 1-2).

“Your Eminence, you saw for yourself the joy of the Bamenda people yesterday when you arrived on the grounds of the cathedral of St. Joseph in Mankon. We are happy because, in this time of crisis, we see you as a messenger of peace. We see you as an ambassador of reconciliation. We see you as a promoter of justice. We see in you the presence of the Holy Father Pope Francis himself among us. Even when the Holy Father says nothing, his presence is a consoling presence. His blessings bring peace and his words come like anointing on the wounds of those who are bleeding. With your presence here, I can confidently cite my pastoral letter which I wrote last Easter entitled 'Now is the time for peace'.
“Your Eminence, we shall not waste the chance that your presence offers us to contribute to work for peace and justice and reconciliation. We are sure that your coming to Bamenda will be like the rain that never falls without watering the ground. So too, you will not leave us to continue fighting. But you will leave us as people who will start loving one another.
“Today, your eminence, you will put on the shoulders of my unworthy person the pallium from the Holy Father. I do not deserve to trouble your eminence to come all the way from Rome for this. But I consider it a big blessing from God and a favor from the Holy Father. I can only say like King David. Who am I, Lord, and what is my house that you have made me as far as this? 2 Samuel 7:18
Kindly transmit your eminence, my personal gratitude, and the gratitude of the people of the Archdiocese of Bamenda and the ecclesiastical province to the Holy Father.
“I use this singular opportunity to welcome to Bamenda and to thank the personal representative of the Head of State, The Honorable Minister of State, Secretary-General at the Presidency HE Ferdinand Ngoh Ngoh. Bring our gratitude to the Head of State for sending your high person to represent him on this occasion. For it shows the seriousness with which the state is treating the visit of the Cardinal Secretary of State of His Holiness. We are equally grateful for the facelift given to our cathedral premises and also for all that the regional administrative authorities led by the governor of the North West Region have done to prepare for this occasion. Mr. Governor, thank you very much.

“Your Eminence, we the people of Bamenda, we lack many things. The one thing we don't lack is faith. The presence here of the people of Bamenda in such great numbers is a sure sign that their faith is greater than politics. The faith of the people of the archdiocese of Bamenda is greater than intimidation. And their presence here is proof that the devil is a liar. With faith in God, trust in the power of the sacraments, and with gratitude to your person, your eminence, I invite you to kindly lead us in this Eucharistic celebration. ”