Cameroon – Anglophone Crisis: Soldiers guard burial of Fonteh Lucas Ndefru alias ‘General’ Mad Dog in Bamenda

Par Atia T. AZOHNWI | Cameroon-Info.Net
Bamenda - 21-Oct-2020 - 15h05   12022                      
Fonteh Lucas Ndefru alias 'General' Mad Dog laid to rest Facebook
Fonteh Lucas Ndefru alias ‘General’ Mad Dog, separatist fighter killed by soldiers on September 5, 2020, has been buried at their family compound in Ntamulung, Bamenda this Wednesday, October 21, 2020.

The remains of the separatist strongman were coffined at the Bamenda Regional Hospital Mortuary under the watchful eyes of elements of Cameroon’s Defence and Security Forces. Prayers were said at the chapel of the mortuary.

Soldiers only left the family compound at Ntamulung shortly after Fonteh had been buried.

Brigadier General Nka Valère, Commander of the 5th Joint Military Region said on September 6 that Fonteh alias Lord Luga was killed on the night of Saturday, September 5, 2020, by a commando squad of the Rapid Intervention Battalion, BIR.

General Nka said they had put a bet on the head of Fonteh, a man who had been “terrorizing the population of Bamenda for over ten years – both as a criminal and as a terrorist”.

“For the last five or even ten years, that criminal and terrorist had killed more than 100 people, men and women, children, civilians and members of the defense and security forces,” Nka said, adding that a bounty was put on Mad Dog’s head after he led a gang of armed men that attacked the Head Office of Mitanyen Cooperative Credit Union Limited, MitaCCUL, at Sonac Street Bamenda on Friday, August 21, 2020.

“It is a great day for us. We are celebrating the death of a very famous, notorious amba terrorist,” said the Brigadier General.

Nka extended the congratulations of the hierarchy to the defense and security forces working in the North West region to secure the population and restore peace.

“Let me congratulate the squad of commandos that carried out this operation because last week, we put a bet on Fonteh. That whoever will take him, whether dead or alive will receive an envelope. I will not give the amount but those guys will be rewarded for what they have done,” Nka revealed.

The Commander of the 5th Joint Military Region assured the population that the killing of Fonteh alias Mad Dog is part of measures to make sure that “we clean Bamenda off all these amba terrorists.”

Cameroon-Info.Net recalls that Mad Dog was gunned down on Saturday night during an operation “cleverly planned” by the 5th Joint Military Region, RMIA5.

The operation in Bamenda, capital of Cameroon’s North West Region was conducted by commandos of the 3rd regiment of the Rapid Intervention Brigade, the BIR – an elite unit of the country’s army.

Open sources say the dreaded rebel figure fell into the dragnet of the military in Ntasen, Nkwen, although his remains were left at Liberty Square (City Chemist Roundabout) in Mankon early the next day for the public to see.

It is not known if Rebel General Ayekeh killed in Lebialem last October 13, 2020, will be buried in a similar fashion.


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