Cameroon – Anglophone Crisis: Lebialem Unity Football Tourneys To Succour Pain Of IDPs In Yaounde

Par Atia T. AZOHNWI | Cameroon-Info.Net
YAOUNDE - 23-Sep-2019 - 12h57   2743                      
Chief Justice Fonkwe opens Lebialem Unity Football Tourneys Moore Atem
The Lebialem Unity Football Tournaments were launched over the weekend at the Mateco Sports Complex at the University of Yaoundé I with the aim of helping internally displaced persons, IDPs, from Lebialem Division resident in Yaoundé to let go the painful memories.

Lebialem Division appears to have been a laboratory for violence, kidnapping, killings and all forms of evil within the context of the socio-political upheavals bedevilling Cameroon’s North West and South West Regions.

Many homes have been burnt and hundreds of locals have been forced to flee to safety. In is in a bid to give hope to these IDPs seeking refuge in Yaoundé that the Lebialem Unity Football Tournaments have seen the light of day.

Chief Justice Fonkwe Joseph Fongang, Permanent Secretary at Cameroon’s Ministry of Justice and promoter of the Confederation of Lebialem Cultural and Development Associations, CONLECUDA, used Saturday’s launch to call on the people of Lebialem to look into the future with hope. He preached the message of unity and prayed for a return to peace.

“For two years now, the Lebialem people in Yaoundé have regrouped themselves to foster their unity and promote their culture. This had resulted to a successful organisation of three cultural weeks hosted by the various subdivisions (Wabane, Alou and Menji). Today, we are entering another aspect of our drive for unity and living together,” said Justice Fonkwe.

He underscored the unifying role sports, especially football, plays in society, reason why CONLECUDA had the organisation of the Lebialem Unity Football Tournaments on her plan of activities.

The Lebialem Unity Football Tournaments has teams from the various Fondoms in the Division in both the male and female categories. CONLECUDA’s promoter believes the tournaments will offer an opportunity for Lebialem youths to build their character, social skills and explore the virtues inherent in team work, corporation, and leadership and in accepting the outcome of events. He is of the opinion that the body image, self-esteem and brain power of the youth will also be developed.

“These competitions shall also permit our internally displaced brothers and sisters living with us in Yaoundé to go out of the stress they have gone through for some time now. The various Fan Clubs shall be putting up a display of our talents in football and our culture. You will therefore agree with me that the competition is a wonderful rallying point for Lebialem people and the friends of Lebialem. This is the force of the Lebialem man and woman, that is, our ability to rally and live with others,” said Justice Fonkwe.

It is expected that the Lebialem Unity Football Tournaments will pave the way for the imminent Lebialem Grand Cultural Jamboree, the Language Literacy and Bible translation projects.

“Each time we are together, we express nothing but love towards one another. It our common commitment that none of the 17 Fondoms of Lebialem shall be left behind in our development projects and living together. Unlike Moses and the Israelites in the Bible, who did not cross the Jordan River, our prayer is that we all reach the promise land,” Fonkwe summed.

Saturday’s launch was attended among others by Paul Tasong, Minister Delegate to the Minister of Economy, Planning and Regional Development in charge of Planning.


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