Cameroon - Anglophone Crisis: Justice Ayah Paul Goes To Court Today

Par Wilson MUSA | Cameroon-Info.Net
DOUALA - 21-Mar-2017 - 13h25   46896                      
Ayah Paul W. Musa
The Advocate General at the Supreme Court Ayah Paul Abine will today Tuesday March 21, 2017 answer present at the Mfoundi High Court in front of the Judge who will decide whether to remand him in custody or release him.

His return to court today comes barely a week after he was heard for the first time since his arrest at the Mfoundi High Court in front of Justice Nke, President of the Court.

For the first time, Ayah and his Lawyers were handed the charges for which he was arrested on January 21, 2017 at his Yaoundé residence. The President of the People Action Party is charged with Terrorism, Secession, Propagation of False Information and Rebellion.

During the first closed door court session, his lawyers Barristers Maurice Kamto, Christopher Ndong, Luc Kisob and John Mbufor  who applied for Habeas Corpus argued that it was incumbent on the court to release their client.

To them, Ayah’s rights and the law have been violated in his arrest and detention  saying it was at odds with section 119(4)of the Criminal Procedure Code which prohibits the arrest of people on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays excerpt those caught red-handed committing crimes.

Ayah Paul was arrested four days after Barrister Agbor Balla, Manchoi Bibixy and Dr Fontem Neba were apprehended on January 17,2017 same night when internet was disconnected in the two English speaking regions.

By Wilson MUSA

Wilson MUSA

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