Cameroon – Anglophone Crisis: Irate Kumba Denizens Handover “Separatist General Armoured Car” To Gendarmes

Par Atia T. AZOHNWI | Cameroon-Info.Net
Kumba - 13-Apr-2020 - 11h50   8651                      
Des combattants séparatistes archives
Derrick Forchap alias “General Armoured Car” believed to be loyal to the armed movement of the independence of a breakaway state called Ambazonia is now in the hands of security forces.

Open sources say the member of the Non-State Armed Group was nabbed April 5, 2020 by an irate crowd at the Bonakama neighbourhood in Kumba I Subdivision, Meme Division and later handed over to elements of the National Gendarmerie at Buea-Raod Kumba .

The said Derrick Forchap aka “General Armoured Car” from Malende Village in Kumba III Subdivision is said to have been terrorising the local population, which led to his capture.

Before he was handed over to Gendarmes, the self-styled “general” revealed that he was in Bonakama to stop bar owners from selling Brassaries du Cameroun products.

He said as an “Amba general”, he received instructions from one of the separatist activists abroad to make a survey of the number of bar owners selling the products which according to him have long been declared contraband in the area.

Quizzed whether he has in the line of his mission killed any individual, he narrated that the story is a long one because he can't really remember the number of civilians and ‘military’ whose lives he has taken away.

“I have been set up by one of the guys around so please don't allow the military to take me along for they will kill me,” the general is reported as telling the irate Bonakama youth as he sehd what bystanders say were “crocodile tears.”

It should be recalled that Bonakama quarters in Kumba has one of the best vigilante groups in the town. The quarter goes into the records as having arrested many “Amba boys” and the youths are very collaborative. Life in the area is going on smoothly as they have taken an oath to wipe out any suspected “Amba elements.”

Common Law Lawyers in Cameroon went on strike in October 2016 to protest government’s attempts to annihilate the Common Law practice in a constitutionally bilingual and bi-jural Cameroon. The strike lasted for over a year.

Anglophone teachers in the country joined the strike on November 21, 2016 to uphold Anglo-Saxon values under threat in Cameroon’s two English-speaking regions. Same day, Mancho Bibixy staged a coffin revolution at Liberty Square in Bamenda to protest against the marginalisation and economic deprivation of Anglophones.

Matters came to a head on Thursday, December 8 when the population of Bamenda took to the streets to denounce the politicisation of a strike action they consider genuine and borne of longstanding grievances.

Days of ghost town have since been observed throughout the South West and North West Regions of the country.

On January 17, 2017, Barrister Nkongo Felix Agbor Balla and Dr. Fontem Neba, leaders of the Cameroon Anglophone Civil Society Consortium (CACSC) were arrested moments after the consortium had been banned along with the SCNC.

Same day, internet was cut in the North West and South West Regions. The floodgate of arrests was thus open with the arrest of Mancho Bibixy on January 19, 2017. Journalist Atia Tilarious Azohnwi, Hans Achomba, Godden Zama, Penn Terence and hundreds of other Anglophones would later be arrested and ferried to detention centres in Yaoundé.

Sisiku Ayuk Tabe, president of the self-styled state of Ambazonia was arrested in Nigeria on January 5, 2018 along with nine other members of his cabinet including Tassang Wilfred, Nfor Ngala Nfor and Barrister Eyambe Ebai with the corporatist of lawyers, teachers and civil society demands morphing into an armed conflict late in 2017.

While hundreds of those arrested have been released as part of appeasement measures, many separatist fighters have been timid towards laying down their guns and joining their peers at the National Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration Commission for ex-separatist fighters and repentant Boko Haram militants.

Recommendations at last year’s Major National Dialogue are currently being implemented as hopes for a return to peace and normalcy remain alive. Paul Tasong and Donatus Njong were recently tasked by the Prime Minister to champion the reconstruction of the crisis hit North West and South West Regions.


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