Cameroon – Anglophone Crisis: Arrested Journalist Regains Freedom

Par Kiven B. NSODZEFE | Cameroon-Info.Net
BAMENDA - 02-Apr-2019 - 12h43   2290                      
Journalist Arrested in Bamenda on Monday Ghost Town Facebook
The news on the release of Manasseh Vushighoh, a Bamenda-based journalist, arrested yesterday in Bamenda, brought a sigh of relief to many, who feared he could be incarcerated.

The journalist who works for Sky Sports Community Radio, Nkwen Bamenda, was picked up by local gendarmerie officials around Mile Two, precisely at Ghana Street because he didn’t have identification papers on him.

Bamenda journalists raised an alarm on his arrest, while other colleagues quickly sought to know where he was taken to, where they took along his credentials and handed to his captors, before he was released.

This has served as a lesson to many other journalists who live in Bamenda, and the population as a whole to often move with their identification papers as gun exchanges continue between military and armed separatists in the Anglophone regions.

On Monday in the North West as well as the South West regions, military raids led to the arrest of over 200 persona in Mutengene in the South West, while several others were killed in Mbingo, Boyo Division of the North West.

Military crack down in the Anglophone regions has led to the displacement of over half a million persons, several homes burnt and many killed.

Lockdown periods or ghost town days are the bloodiest days. Eyewitnesses report that both secessionists and military carry put human right violations on these days. Food market in Bamenda that used to sell food items on these days , with the little number of commercial bikes on the streets, have totally withdrawn to their homes. Businesses are down behind closed doors, but if caught by armed separatists on a ghost town day, you risk getting your hand chopped off, or killed.

The actions of the military on these days are often described as overzealous and overbearing.



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