Cameroon – Anglophone Crisis: Ambazonia General, Ayekeh wreaks havoc in Lebialem

Par Atia T. AZOHNWI | Cameroon-Info.Net
Lebialem - 24-Sep-2019 - 15h39   9643                      
One of the houses burnt by 'General' Ayekeh of Ambazonia Facebook
Self-styled separatist General Ayekeh of the Alou Guerilla Fighters, formerly known to belong to the ‘Red Dragon’ of Oliver Lekeaka alias Field Marshall, is said to be running amok, causing untold suffering to locals of Banga, a community in Wabane Subdivision, Lebialem Division.

Video and voice clips making rounds on social media are telling of the sorry situation that locals are now forced to deal with as the conflict in the North West and South West Regions digs in.

In a video believed to have been shot on September 7, 2019 in Alou, “General’ Ayekeh and his “troops” are said to have attacked Banga, reducing to rubbles all they met on their way.

“Today, the 7th day of September 2019, after a serious bloody intervention last night by General Ayekeh and his troops at Banga, an unknown camp that came into Lebialem just to disturb freedom fighters. General Ayekeh successfully liberated four persons. This is one of the highest injured persons by name Mbah Cho Edwin who has several injuries on him to the extent that part of his body is even dead,” someone who says he is Ayekeh’s Communication Secretary narrates at the beginning of the video as a naked man on drips is seen lying on a bed.

The narrator then asks the Governing Council and others to listen to General Ayekeh. In broken English, Ayekeh extends greetings to the “diaspora and ground zero” before explaining that the man lying on the bed with wounds and soars all over his body is one of his “soldiers” that was taken into custody by intruders.

“He was kidnapped by Banga soldiers. He had been under their keeping for almost two weeks. I decided yesterday (September 6, 2019) to rescue four of them – one soldier and three civilians. I entered Banga just because of them… Those promoting Banga soldiers to be carrying out this kind of activities should know that it is wrong. I’m no longer begging them. At the end of the day, I burnt down the Bagang prisons into ashes,” said Ayekeh.

The Ambazonia General says some people called freedom fighters are now terrorists. He shows four persons believed to have been maimed by armed fighters in Banga.

“…this thing is too much. We don’t know what to do. We are suffering. We are going through a lot because of terrorists calling themselves freedom fighters. The young man that is over there promoting them to be doing this should be ready for us now. I’ll blow off all of them,” said Ayekeh.

One of the freed “hostages” says he was taken hostage by armed men when he went demanding why they had killed his brother.

Towards the end of the video, Ayekeh thundered: “I’ll pause the war against La Republique and first hunt down Banga fighters. If it pains anyone of you out there, come and go through the suffering we are going through every day.”

A 4 minutes 29 seconds audio clip follows the Ayekeh video. In the voice note, General Ayekeh is accused of looting and burning down Banga village in Wabane Subdivision in Lebialem Division.

“My brothers and sisters in the diaspora, I’m sending this message to you so you can see what Commander Ayekeh and his elements have done in Banga. We don’t know the problem they have with the separatist fighters in Banga. They came to Banga and burnt all houses. They sent the locals fleeing into the bushes. In the absence of villagers, Ayekeh along with over 500-man troop looted houses in Banga ebfore setting them ablaze,” the anonymous local said.

He begs that Ayekeh should be called to order before the suffering masses die. “Diaspora, we’re   begging. Please look into this problem. Ayekeh has destroyed all the oil mills and looted our cocoa. Why should Ayekeh put us through such pain?”

Ambazonia activists we contacted refused to comment on the apparent implosion within the ranks of the separatist fighters in Lebialem Division.


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