Cameroon - Anglophone Crisis: Ambazonia Fighters Are Cannibals, We Shall Crush Them- Paul Atanga Nji

Par Wilson MUSA | Cameroon-Info.Net
BUEA - 26-Jun-2018 - 12h18   13189                      
Paul Atanga Nji Screen capture
Some youths from the North West and South West regions killing security forces in ongoing Anglophone crisis are “Terrorists”, flesh eaters which makes them worse than Boko Haram, Territorial Administration Minister Paul Atanga Nji, has said.

The Minister made the declaration Monday June 25, 2018 in an interview granted by CRTV Journalist, Aime Robert, on the program Presidence Actu aired over State media.

Paul Atanga Nji was categorical, without blinking eyes said he saw images on social media wherein Ambazonia fighters butchered a human being, cooked and were eating, concluding that their acts is worse than what Boko Harm is doing in the Far North region. By so doing, he said, they will be more than wanted by the regime and the government will grind them soon, he assured.

Minister Paul Atanga Nji told CRTV’s “Presidence Actu”, the French version of “Inside The Presidency”,  that everywhere he goes people ask him the whereabouts of some 12 Ambazonia leaders captured in Nigeria in January and extradited to Cameroon “I don’t know why people are only talking about those extradited, I meet Diplomats and they all ask me on their whereabouts but I want to tell them that Cameroon is state of law….they have raped, tortured people, thousands of people stormed the area asking for their heads. We are holding them for their own security. The investigation is ongoing and when time comes they will go to court. ”

He went further to declare that those arrested are doing well and have even gained weight “Those arrested in Nigeria and extradited to Cameroon are doing well, in fact when they came here I saw one about 70 kg but now he has about 100 kg,” he said.

The Interior Minister reassured that elections will take place in Cameroon no matter the situation, because to him Ambazonia fighters are less than 400 youths, some as young as 12 years. He said fighters in the North West region are less than 100 while those in the South West region are about 300, not strong enough to match with regular army.



Wilson MUSA

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